अपरे नियताहाराः प्राणान्प्राणेषु जुह्वति ।
सर्वेप्येते यज्ञविदो यज्ञक्षपितकल्मषाः ॥४.३०॥
niyatāhārāḥ prāṇānprāṇeṣu juhvati |
yajñavido yajñakṣapitakalmaṣāḥ ||4.30||
अपरे 1/3 नियताहाराः 1/3 प्राणान् 2/3 प्राणेषु 7/3
जुह्वति III/3 ।
सर्वे 1/3 अपि 0 एते 1/3 यज्ञविदः 1/3 यज्ञक्षपितकल्मषाः 1/3 ॥४.३०॥
अपरे [apare] =
others = अपर (pron. m.) + 1/3
नियताहाराः [niyatāhārāḥ]
= those who regulate their food intake = नियताहार (m.) + 1/3
नियतः आहारः येषां ते नियताहाराः (116B) ।
प्राणान् [prāṇān]
= desire to eat = प्राण (n.) + कर्मणि
to जुह्वति 2/3
प्राणेषु [prāṇeṣu]
= unto the digestive fires = प्राण (n.) + अधिकरणे
जुह्वति [juhvati]
= offer = हु to offer + लट्/कर्तरि/III/3
सर्वे [sarve] =
all = सर्व (pron. m.) + 1/3
अपि [api] = without
exception = अव्ययम्
एते [ete] = these
= एतद् (pron. m.) + 1/3
यज्ञविदः [yajñavidaḥ]
= those who observe religious disciplines = यज्ञविद् (m.)
+ 1/3
यज्ञक्षपितकल्मषाः [yajñakṣapitakalmaṣāḥ]
= those for whom the impurities of the mind have been destroyed by the yajña = यज्ञक्षपितकल्मष (m.) + 1/3
यज्ञेन क्षपित कल्मषः येषां ते नियताहाराः
(116B) ।
Others who regulate their food
intake, offer their desire to eat unto the digestive fires. All these who
observe religious disciplines, without exception, (become) those for whom the
impurities of the mind have been destroyed by the yajña.
Sentence 1:
अपरे 1/3 नियताहाराः 1/3 प्राणान् 2/3 प्राणेषु 7/3
जुह्वति III/3 ।
Others (अपरे 1/3) who regulate their food intake (नियताहाराः 1/3), offer (जुह्वति III/3) their
desire to eat (प्राणान् 2/3) unto
the digestive fires (प्राणेषु 7/3).
Sentence 2:
एते 1/3 सर्वे 1/3 अपि
0 यज्ञविदः 1/3 यज्ञक्षपितकल्मषाः
1/3 ॥४.३०॥
All (सर्वे 1/3) these (एते 1/3) who
observe religious disciplines (यज्ञविदः 1/3),
without exception (अपि 0),
(become) those for whom the impurities of the mind have been destroyed by the yajña
(यज्ञक्षपितकल्मषाः 1/3).
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